
WD's Assignment #194

Each month, Writer's Digest presents its readers with an "assignment." I usually check these out and tell myself it seems easy enough, that I'll bust something out and send it in. I have yet to write word one. So as a way of present our community with the Jessica Rowan-suggested challenge, I shall offer each month's assignment as my challenge.

Your Assignment #194—Write Sale:

You're in your home office when you hear the doorbell ring. You answer the door to find a salesman touting the latest high-tech writing gadget, which he promises will change your life. He's so convincing that you give in, not even batting an eyelash at the steep price. Write the salesman's presentation that resulted in the sale. There are other houses he'll need to visit, so keep your entry to 75 words or fewer.

Entries can be included in the body of an email (no attachments) to wd-assignment@fwpubs, or mailed as a postcard to the following address:
Your Assignment #194
4700 E. Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236

Deadline is March 10, 2006 for publication in July's issue.

Other magazines like Speak Easy and The Sun offer themed writings as well, and although I'd like to say I'll research these, I ask for your help in presenting these challenges. Self-created challenges are equally welcome.

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